Friday, January 08, 2010

Happy 20th birthday, Christopher!

As a young man, at the age of twenty, William Booth wrote the following resolutions:
I do promise - my God Helping
1st That I will rise every morning sufficiently early (say 20 minutes before seven o'clock) to wash, dress, and have a few minutes, not less than 5, in private prayer.
2ndly That I will as much as possible avoid all that babbling idle talking in which I have so sinfully indulged.
3rd That I will endeavour in my conduct and deportment before the world and my fellow servants especially to conduct myself as humble, meek and zealous follower of the bleeding Lamb, and by serious conversation and warning endeavour to lead them to think of their mortal souls.
4thly That I will not read less than 4 chapters in God's word everyday.
5thly That I will strive to live closer to God, and to seek after holiness of heart, and leave providential events with God.
6thly That I will read this over every day or at least twice a week.
God help me, enable me to cultivate a spirit of self denial and to yield myself a prisoner of love to the redeemer of the world.
Amen & Amen
William Booth
I feel my own weakness and without God's help I shall not keep these resolutions a day. The Lord have mercy upon my guilty soul.
I claim the Blood
Yes, oh Yes,
Jesus Died for me


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