Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Monday, November 02, 2009
Visit to Tartu
Last weekend, we returned to Tartu to do the meetings for Major Pirjo Mikkonen while she was on holiday. On Saturday we led a Sunday School program, although there were only a few children because many were in the country for the school holiday.
But we still hada great time, and Peter's friends Lauri and Tristen were able to join us.
Then we went to the home of our friends Ermo and Katie (Lauri & Tristen's parents). Their cat had kittens a few weeks earlier, so animal-lover Elizabeth was in Heaven!
One of her new friends.
On Sunday, we were back at the corps, and Peter joined his friends again.
There was a warm and welcoming group of people at the corps, and we enjoyed the opportunity to worship with them.
In the evening, we went to the homeless shelter to do a meeting (a work we began and Major Mikkonen has faithfully continued). We were joined by our Baptist friend Lea, who cooked meals for the residents of the shelter for years before we came along.
While we were at the shelter, the kids were at Ermo and Katie's, so the kids had another chance to be with their friends and with the kittens.