Thursday, January 28, 2010

planning Peter's birthday party

Monday, January 25, 2010

full article of interview with Gen. Clifton

Saturday, January 23, 2010

this is also sad (but true)

Friday, January 22, 2010

makes me sad to read this
There has been a great deal of confusion and
even some debate regarding The Salvation
Army’s position on abortion. After all, The
Salvation Army is in the “Dishonorable Mention”
section of The Boycott List because it “defends
abortion in cases of rape, incest, fetal deformity, etc.”
Pro-life activists who contact The Salvation Army
regarding its position are asked to read its official statement,
which is reprinted here in full:
The Salvation Army believes in the sanctity of all human life and
considers each person to be of infinite value and each life a gift
from God to be cherished, nurtured and redeemed. Human life is
sacred because it is made in the image of God and has an eternal
destiny. (Genesis 1:27) Sacredness is not conferred, nor can it be
taken away by human agreement.
The Salvation Army deplores society’s ready acceptance of abortion,
which reflects insufficient concern for vulnerable persons, including
the unborn. (Psalms 82:3-4)
The Salvation Army holds to the Christian ideals of chastity before
marriage and fidelity within the marriage relationship and, consistent
with these ideals, supports measures to prevent crisis pregnancies.
It is opposed to abortion as a means of birth control, family
planning, sex selection or for any reason of mere convenience
to avoid the responsibility for conception. Therefore, when an unwanted
pregnancy occurs, The Salvation Army advises that the
situation be accepted and that the pregnancy be carried to term,
and offers supportive help and assistance with planning.
The Salvation Army recognizes tragic and perplexing circumstances
that require difficult decisions regarding a pregnancy. Such
decisions should be made only after prayerful and thoughtful consideration,
with appropriate involvement of the woman’s family
and pastoral, medical and other counsel. A woman in these circumstances
needs acceptance, love and compassion.
When an abortion has taken place, The Salvation Army will continue
to show love and compassion and to offer its services and
fellowship to those involved.
In May 2007, Der Bund, a regional newspaper in Berne,
Switzerland,published an interview with SalvationArmy
General Shaw Clifton. One of the questions asked by
the newspaper regarded abortion:
Der Bund: You involve yourselves with questions such as abortion.
I am assuming that The Salvation Army is against it?
Clifton: That’s too simple. We are not as conservative as our catholic
brothers and sisters. There are situations in which abortion is
the lesser evil, for instance in cases of severe deformities of the
fetus, [or] rape. We try to support women who find themselves in
this situation and to be loyal to them, even if they make decisions
that we ourselves might not have made.

Monday, January 18, 2010

please pray for Peter today

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

"the least of these"

"If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals." -- Sirius Black to Ron Weasley, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, J.K. Rowling

Saturday, January 09, 2010

"20" cake made by Monica's mother

Thank you, God, for sending Monica's mother to make this cake for Chris. You know how much it breaks my heart that I couldn't be there to make a cake for him. Thank you for this dear sister who is standing in the gap today! Amen.

hat tip "Crushed" episode of Marc Brown's "Arthur"

A big flying sheep zombie, escaped from the tombs of Cowcannotan, just ate the dorky, floppy-haired teenager who can barely see
Chris, that means you need to get your hair cut now that you're no longer a dorky, floppy-haired teenager !

Friday, January 08, 2010

20 photos for Chris's 20th birthday

Happy 20th birthday, Christopher!

As a young man, at the age of twenty, William Booth wrote the following resolutions:
I do promise - my God Helping
1st That I will rise every morning sufficiently early (say 20 minutes before seven o'clock) to wash, dress, and have a few minutes, not less than 5, in private prayer.
2ndly That I will as much as possible avoid all that babbling idle talking in which I have so sinfully indulged.
3rd That I will endeavour in my conduct and deportment before the world and my fellow servants especially to conduct myself as humble, meek and zealous follower of the bleeding Lamb, and by serious conversation and warning endeavour to lead them to think of their mortal souls.
4thly That I will not read less than 4 chapters in God's word everyday.
5thly That I will strive to live closer to God, and to seek after holiness of heart, and leave providential events with God.
6thly That I will read this over every day or at least twice a week.
God help me, enable me to cultivate a spirit of self denial and to yield myself a prisoner of love to the redeemer of the world.
Amen & Amen
William Booth
I feel my own weakness and without God's help I shall not keep these resolutions a day. The Lord have mercy upon my guilty soul.
I claim the Blood
Yes, oh Yes,
Jesus Died for me

Monday, January 04, 2010


We had a fun Christmas this year. We were joined by Evelyn's sister Mary-Kay, her husband Sasha and son Sashenka. Christmas morning Peter was excited to rip open the gifts!

Peter by the tree, with Mary-Kay and Sashenka

Peter watches while Elizabeth opens a gift.

Sashenka shows off one of his gifts.
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Peter searching for more gifts by the tree!

Evelyn spends some time with Sashenka.

Sashenka and Peter showed how Darth Vader and his storm troopers get along.

Later, it was time to decorate a gingerbread house.
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Peter decorated one side of the house, and Elizabeth decorated the other.

Peter was very thoughtful about where he put things!

Everything had it's place.

Elizabeth was the artistic one, making sure her side looked wonderful.
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Even candy canes had to be carefully considered before they found their right place.

But they worked together as a team to finish the job.

This is the front of the finished house, showing Peter's side.
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Here is Peter's side ...

And Elizabeth's side.

Elizabeth, Mary-Kay, Sasha, Peter and Sashenka outside during a stop on our way to Tallinn (that's real snow on the tree!)

Elizabeth, Mary-Kay, Evelyn, Sashenka and Peter
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